Nathanael T. Bowley


I'm a 3rd year TA for CSCI1110, CSCI1105 taking a BSc Dbl. Maj. in Psychology and Computer Science who has experience with Neural Data Science.

View the Project on GitHub nathanbowley98/Site

Major Projects

Brain Video How it was done
Click here to see how I turned DICOM files from Magnetic Resonance data of a human brain into the mp4 video you see to the side!
Covid Exposure Areas as of 5/5/2021 *Note:may include bugs and missing data See original data here for most accurate exposure areas!*
Click here to access the open source covid exposure areas project. At the time of posting this there are multiple bugs but it does manage to map the locations onto a map of nova scotia
Graph of Suicide Rates This is an example of processing global suicide data from multiple csv's processing it down to useful DataFrame!
Box Plot of Happy Sad Group vs difference This is an example processing participant data, NumPy statistical tests, and usage of seaborn to plot data
EEG Subplots This is an example processing csv time series data from the EEG-Alcohol related dataset from Kaggle
COVID19 Plot Generator This is an example processing using recursion, plotting, loops, and plotting to generate COVID19 mortality / infection graphs for a user defined country
Processing data from youtube analytics and error handling This is project I made to teach students new to programming how to handle errors using try, and except in python 3.
This is small sample of my contribution to my group project 2 in my neural datascience class, it demonstrates advanced understanding of nested list comprehensions when dealing with file structure and processing fif files to sort and structure the contents into a evoked dictionary for use in the MNE module in EEG data.
Flow diagram created using R.

Knowledge In:

Other Projects that I’m allowed to publically release at this time: